Each wallpaper has its own unique color and original design giving the effects of color therapy. We take the time to discuss what your ideal space looks like and what materials you would like to use. For instance, you can tell us that you like the simplicity of a white space or that you like a good bold color and from there, we will create an environment that best suits your needs.
We offer our clients “The realization of a truly authentic
lifestyle” from our wallpapers and interior design. Our
craftsmanship has the committed values of our craftsmen
and designers. Our patterns and materials each have their
own stories and the creatorsʼ passion throughout Japan and
the world.
We are the best at creating the most unique and suitable
space for our customers, choosing materials that are not
standard elsewhere.
Let us help you fill your day to day life with an abundance of
color from a blank white canvas.
In Lʼateler 5 Reves, designers create the images and ideas then pass it onto the installation team to bring it to life.